Dr. Siddhesh Kalantri
Siddhesh Arun Kalantri has a specialization in haematologist, Hemato-Oncologist & Stem Cell Transplant Physician. He has done MD Medicin from Government Medical College, Amritsar. Dr Siddhesh is a member of the Indian Society of Haematology and Blood Transfusion and the American Society of Haematology. Siddhesh Arun Kalantri is one of the eminent and famous haematologist in Nashik He had won awards:
Best Paper Award: Award paper: JC Patel Award ( Hematocon 2017)- Phenotypic Determinant Of Hbe Beta Thalassaemia: Beyond Globin Genes?—

Dr. Siddhesh Kalantri
Consultant Haematologist, Hemato-Oncologist & Stem Cell Transplant Physician
Qualification :
MD Medicine. MBBS
Awards And Recognitions :
- JC Patel Award ( Hematocon 2017)- Phenotypic Determinant Of Hbe Beta Thalassaemia: Beyond Globin Genes?—Best Paper Award.
- Best poster award: Haematocon 2016 national conference, Jaipur (Indian Society Haematology and Blood Transfusion national conference).
- Gold Medal – Maheshwari Scholar 2019
- Narotam Sekhsaria Scholarship for Academic Excellence. 2010
- Winner- Surgical Quiz, organised by Department of Surgery, Seth GS medical college, Mumbai. 2010 -
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